HRDA supporters, volunteers, clients and all interested stakeholders are warmly invited to our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING next month.
It is free to attend – just register yourself with link 1, decide if you want voting rights and buy membership for £1 (link 2) then await your Zoom link 3 closer to the event to log yourself in for the HRDA AGM – Thu 10 Feb 2022 – 7pm via Zoom
This is a formal meeting covering the accounts, and the budget for the next 12 months, plus a review of the last 12 months and our forward plans for the future of HRDA.
Pre-register here to attend – Link 1
Our constitution dictates that we have ‘members’ of HRDA and only these members can take part in votes at the AGM.
Participating member voters must pay £1 to sign up. Link 2 is also on the form when you pre-register as shown below:
Lastly, we will send you a personal Zoom link 3 to log in closer to the time to join us. Say the date out loud – it rhymes to help you remember: AGM – THURSDAY TEN – SEVEN PM
We look forward to celebrating everyone’s hard work 🐴🐴🐴