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RDA Nationals 2017

RDA Nationals 2017

Herefordshire RDA took five riders to the RDA nationals at Hartpury on the 15th of july 2017, they had all qualified for the countryside challenge. It was a dry day and we had a huge entourage of supporters. Zara and Stephanie spent lots of time polishing up Daisy and Jelly for the best turned out, they did look good, but the standard was very high. Now they know what they need to do, they are hoping to do better next year.

Everybody did really well in the competition, as it was quite a challenge. Daisy was not keen on the laminated sheep in the neighbouring field, and some of the gaps were very tight for large horses. For the visually impaired class it took good communication and responses from leader and riders.

Really proud of Louise as back in march when she decided to take on this challenge, she was extremely nervous about riding outside. What surprised me was that at the end of Vicki’s round, when we set off to walk out of the arena, she asked if I had been with her all the time. She must have been concentrating so much that although she was responding me, she had no memory of me being beside her.

Jessica Dallow came to support the riders and receive her rosette at the prize giving.


Led countryside challenge Ellie Jones 11th
Independent countryside challenge Stephanie Boyce =5th, Zara Roberts 6th
Visually impaired countryside challenge Louise Taylor 4th, Vicki Manley 5th
Individual sculpture Jessica Dallow 2nd

Well done everybody, and thank you to all our riders, helpers and supporters.


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